I designed a poster for the AIGA poster competition Poster Clash. The theme this year is Change One Thing. The contest has an online voting part and the winners of the online voting will go to a live competition here in Frederick. When the online voting starts I will post it here so you can see all the entries and have no other choice but to vote for mine because it is the best.
I'm not one of those overly concerned about the environment. I know I should. But of all those statistics and tips they always give you about saving the environment, there is one that has always surprised me about how simple it is and how much of an impact it can make. That is to power off electronics when you are not using them. How many times I leave the computer on when I'm not using it? One of the benefits of having a Mac is that it almost never crashes. Sometimes I leave it on for months without turning it off and only turn it off when it is getting slow. I have my computer plugged in to a surge protector along with a few other things. If I turn off the surge protector every time I am not using the computer it would save tons of energy. If you are selfish like me and don't care too much about the environment, just think that by turning off the surge protector you can save about 6% of your total electric bill. So I will change one thing and I will Flip the Switch.
Very cool poster! You should win, and the other entrants should be beaten with electrical cords for being so pathetic.
I'll vote for yours. Signed, your sectret admirer.
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