Me: John McCain's wife is pretty. What did she see in him?
Tania: You don't know maybe he was looked good when he was young.
(Yeah, we are that shallow.)
Me: Oh, there is no way that guy was good-looking when he was young!
Tania: Don't say that. Look at Marlon Brando. Case closed.
So, that made me curious and I asked the all-knowing Google God for pictures of young McCain and I was surprised.

Marlon Brando definitely wins!
When I lived in Tucson I would participate in a local competition called 'The Taste of Chocolate'. John McCain went gah-gah over my green chile brownies. I still think that he is a jerk.
Marlon Brando looked like a Greek God! He had THE look...
McCain... not so much, but he was a POW when men of lesser character opted to pull strings or daddy's greenbacks...
another test...
you passed the test!!!
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