
I'll miss... downtown

I'll miss the beautiful downtown. I'll miss not being here now that is going to get better and better. There is a new riverfront planned, buildings are getting fixed up, new business are popping up everywhere like that Argentinian grill that I am so going to miss the grand opening. So sad. Argentinian meat is so good. There is also a small market opening up and if I could get my groceries there, I wouldn't need a car at all.

There are two places specifically I'm going to miss the most. One is the Quilt Museum.

I volunteered there for about three years and learned so much being around the best quilts in the world. I also met so many people. I started volunteering there after being here two months and that place made me feel more at home in Paducah.

I will also miss the Maiden Alley Cinema a lot.

I went there almost every week no matter what movie was playing. I think I can count on two hands the times I went to the movie theater at the mall in the four and a half years I was here. Also, the MAC was a perfect setting for my silent film 29th birthday where I made my big screen debut. Their River's Edge Film Festival is the best weekend in town.

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