On Saturday I went to the Maryland Ensemble Theater to see the performance by the Comedy Pigs "4 Eggnogs and an Apology". With the name Comedy Pigs and "4 Eggnogs and an Apology", I didn't have big expectations. I am a student of Frederick Community College so I get free tickets. It seemed like something different to do on a cold Saturday night.
I was very pleasantly surprised. The play is a group of comedy skits related to the holidays. The acting was good and I laughed out load quite a few times. My favorite skits was one were Darth Vader, The Joker, Cruella Deville and Osama Bin Laden get together to celebrate the holidays and exchange gifts.
I was disappointed that there were not many people in the audience. The show started at 10:30 pm so maybe that had something to do with it. I think it is a good show to go to and have a good laugh. If you want more info go here: http://www.marylandensemble.org/comedy_pigs.
It's a good story Aynex, but I don't believe it for one minute. This pic is from a party at your home!!
Were your ears burning Friday night when Nikki and I were talking about bringing you back to Paducakeeee?
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