We decided that we are going to be a family of super heroes. We have my sister, Tania, as Nagules for her power of nagging at extremely load voice levels. My brother-in-law, Cisco, is The Scorcherer for his power of instantaniously combusting, especially food he is preparing. My little niece, Kiara, is WhiteNoise for her power of lulling her enemies to sleep by constantly talking. My 13 year-old niece, Tarina, is TeenAngst. I don't need to explain that one. My Mom is GossipGirl. I had to learn it from somewhere. My super name is CuCuKaBoom and I'm not going to tell you why. Together we form the Super Pringos! A mixture of Puertorricans and Gringos.
There was a truck driving towards us in the highway. But with our super powers and my sis fierce driving skills, we avoided it.

On our way to Savannah, we stopped to eat in North Carolina. TeenAngst was practicing her Drama Queen skills.

No matter how grown up TeenAngst thinks she is, she is still sleeping with stuffed animals. Apparently another super power of WhiteNoise is the power of sleeping very close to the other person no matter how much space there is on the bed.

It seems like you have a wonderful energetic family that knows how to enjoy life.
I would have thought you would have been named CuCuKaBoss! But maybe your only bossy with gringos in Paducah. However we still love and miss you!!!
When we did art shows in Florida we would always stay in Savannah. I really like it there. Have a good day!
And your nieces sleep just like my girls. The younger always seem to gravitate toward the body heat just like in your picture.
You are my superhero favorito.
Damn ethnic heritage...I can't be a Pringo. I'm just a Waspo.
what is a waspo?
I am a waspo too. White Anglo Saxon Protestanto.
OK. I guess if we are still going to be able to enjoy your humor and your AMAZING creativity like this, even though you are far, far away, I'll be able to survive.
Have a great vacation!
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