
The writing on the wall

Today I was reading something on the Internet about creativity and saw this:
"Children who were punished for writing on walls and had their crayons taken away — rather than being graced with a wry smile and given reams of paper for their further explorations — had their ability to explore and their desire to create undermined."

When I was about 6 years old I took crayons and did a beautiful mural on my bedroom wall. It looked so nice. My parents didn't think so. They where really mad. At that time they were in the middle of painting the walls inside the house. Maybe that's where I got the idea. For the first and only time that I can remember, I was grounded for a month. I was to go out of my room only to go to school and have dinner and so I wouldn't forget, they painted everything in the house except for my room for who knows how long. Weren't they cruel? Anyway, I learned my lesson. I never drew on the walls again. Now that I think about it, I never drew much so maybe that is why I'm no good at drawing. I also never left my room much either. So there you have it. It was all my parents fault.

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