I have been taking a painting class since January. The professor has kept all the painting for a while so I haven't been able to post them here. Yesterday I did a painting at home and took a picture. It is the first painting I do that I'm impressed with. The assignment was to take this painting from Cezanne and copy it.

When I saw the painting I thought to myself "There is no way I can do this." But I think I did pretty well for someone that has never touched a paintbrush before. Here's what I did.

Every time I finish a painting I think is good. Then I see the work of the other students and I think my work is horrible. So will see what I think after seeing everyone's work.
Have faith in yourself, you are doing great! And don't compare your work to others, all that matters is your progression from one painting to the next.
...not bad...the white is just a bit bright...try a little gray glaze to tone it down...
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