
April in 7 paragraphs

The reason I haven't posted this month is that, as I said before, April is crazy! So I'll give you a recap. At the beginning of the month I went to The Methodist Church that is a block away and took pictures for my next quilt.

This quilt has to be done by the beginning of June and it usually takes me two months to make a quilt this size. I'm barely starting now.

The Quilt Walk was a success. Tomorrow is the artist reception and some of the quilters are here from all around the country.

Loaf, the corner deli/grocery store opened. The deli is great. They make really good sandwiches and soups. The grocery part was a little disappointing. They have a lot of ethnic and hard to find items but of the basic stuff they dont have much. They do have milk but I still need to go to the big supermarket :-(.

During the Quilt Show, one of the local PBS stations becomes The Quilt Channel. It is a channel that only shows quilt programming. They interviewed some of the LowerTown fiber artists and quilters. My interview was the first one they showed. They showed it Tuesday at 7 pm. The first day of the show was Wednesday. I went in the morning when they opened because I had to open the gallery at noon. While I was at the show every 15 minutes someone would say "I saw you on TV last night!" I was the big celebrity. Then I went to the show on Thursday morning and everyone had forgotten who I was.

The show was really crowded. It was more crowded than ever. It was really hard to see anything because there was so many people. I guess that is a good thing for Paducah.

Caryl Bryer Fallert is one of the most important quilters EVER! She is building a huge house a block away from me with the Artist Relocation Program. She always said I'm going to be open by the Quilt Show. She started building last June. It is an enourmous brick house, almost 8,000 square feet. A week before the Quilt Show there was no way she could have open. She threaten her contrator and the city by telling them that if she wasn't open by the quilt show she was going to put a huge sign on her building saying that she wasn't open because of this person and that person. That whole week there were like 50 people working night and day and two days before the quilt show she had an inspector and was allowed to open the business side only. The house looks finished on the front but on the back you can still see bricks that go half way up the wall and the rest is pink insulation but she made it.

Today is the last day of the quilt show. I have to open at noon. I'm going to go now and do some quilting that I haven't done in a while and I got some cool thread at the show I want to try. Here are some pictures from the show.

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